Tea House on Los Rios, San Juan Capistrano

If you're looking for a delightful place to sup with family and friends, the Tea House on Los Rios in San Juan Capistrano is just the place. Here's a video that highlights the Tea House's favorite features: https://youtu.be/9ULiNpbbxM4 Enter an enchanting tea house filled with delightful rooms and tea-themed decor. Delectable food, a variety of …

Madelyn’s Salt Dough Cake and Fruit Basket

One of my favorite pastimes is making salt dough sculptures with my grandchildren. They delight in everything from mixing the dough to creating their masterpieces. This video takes you through the step-by-step process we used to make a salt dough basket filled with fruit and a tiny cake. https://youtu.be/R0JN5Cy8H7s Here's a video with just the …

Masquerade Mask Decorating for Kids

Painting and decorating masks is a fun and easy activity for kids of all ages. Even my 3-year-old granddaughter can express her creativity with this art activity. You can buy masquerade masks on Amazon or any arts and crafts store. Acrylic paints, glitter glue, glitter, and stickers are all the supplies you need. Use these …

How to Decorate a Mixed Media Masquerade Mask

Here's a delightful art project that is easy and fun to do. Supplies: Masquerade masks: you can buy them at any arts and crafts store. I got mine on Amazon.Acrylic paintRegular Gel Medium Matt or GlossSponge for applying gel and for applying paintCard for smoothingScissors and exacto knife for trimming paperGems or jewels for accessorizing …