Masquerade Mask Decorating for Kids

Painting and decorating masks is a fun and easy activity for kids of all ages. Even my 3-year-old granddaughter can express her creativity with this art activity. You can buy masquerade masks on Amazon or any arts and crafts store. Acrylic paints, glitter glue, glitter, and stickers are all the supplies you need. Use these …

Masquerade Mask: Journey into the Artistic Soul

If eyes are the window to the soul, then a masquerade mask frames these portals. Eyes transform into mystical moorings when peering out through a mask. We find this inexplicable desire to venture inside the mind of the masked artist to discover why she creates. The artistic person frames her soul’s windows with various art …

The Entrepreneurial Artist

I’ll be honest; I’m mesmerized by the business side of art because I find the idea that people can do what they love and get paid for it fascinating. Entrepreneurs like Kelly Rae Roberts and Mary Engelbreit motivate me. These innovative women took their artistic passions into the marketplace and changed the world for the better. Kelly Rae Roberts was …

Behind the Masquerade Mask: Developing Creativity in the Dark

I believe there are times when we develop creativity in the dark. By this I mean, we give ourselves permission to hide while we explore our identities. During these shadowy times, we become like children sampling what calls to our hearts. A precious spontaneity sweeps over us, and we dare to do something never attempted before. …

Arts and Crafts for Sale at the San Clemente Shine Festival

I'm excited to sell my arts and crafts at the San Clemente Shine Festival Saturday, February 8, 2020. Check out some of what I'll be selling in the photo galleries below.  There will be lots of activities for all ages, so come and join the fun and festivities! A few of the my many paintings …

Indulge in the Selfish Side of Writing

I write, primarily, for myself: to vent feelings, to process changes, and to make meaning out of everything from monotony to madness. And somewhere along this writer’s journey (which began with a journal at the age of twenty), I envisioned a pot of gold at the end of the self-disclosure rainbow, which I now highly …

Masquerade Masks: Ideas for Decorating

Whether you make your own masquerade mask or buy a blank one online, decorating your mask is a fun creative project packed full of potential for self-expression. Recently, my daughter, Andy, decorated some masks for her dance group. She used acrylic paints, glitter glue, ribbon, and feathers. Here is a photo of Andy applying glitter …