Cherry Blossom Acrylic Painting

Take an artistic journey through the creation of a cherry blossom painting that spreads across three canvases. My daughter's time spent living in Seoul, South Korea, inspired her to paint cherry blossom trees. This post will take you through the process. Begin by creating a muted background with various colors of acrylic paints: lavender, blue, …

The Parting: Marketing Art

Personal paintings become a part of the artist by guiding one's creative path. And like good friends, artwork can be difficult to say good-bye to when we decide to release our art into the marketplace.  Sometimes this is because of sentimental reasons. For example, this watercolor my sister and I created reminds us of those …

Believe in Your Becoming

Perhaps the greatest challenge we artistic types face is to believe in our becoming. Sure, there are messy workspaces to organize, jam-packed lives to thin, and challenging skills to learn. All of which distract us and offer excuses to stop forward motion. And I’m always wondering where my talents will take me instead of trusting in …


The FAA Portrait Gallery on Fine Art America recently featured The Hopeful and The Messenger. What an honor to be included in a gallery that showcases portrait painters whose talent I could only ever dream of having. A special thanks to the group administrator, Digital Designs. You can visit my Fine Art America Shop to …

The Messenger, an Acrylic Painting by JoDee Luna

The Messenger depicts Jesus, the Messiah who brings hope, mercy, and grace to humankind. The Messenger’s eyes are the focal point of the painting, searching the heart of the viewer for entrance. The Messenger is an acrylic on canvas with the face framed by a beard and textured robe. If I were to select a song that embodies The …