Tea House on Los Rios, San Juan Capistrano

If you're looking for a delightful place to sup with family and friends, the Tea House on Los Rios in San Juan Capistrano is just the place. Here's a video that highlights the Tea House's favorite features: https://youtu.be/9ULiNpbbxM4 Enter an enchanting tea house filled with delightful rooms and tea-themed decor. Delectable food, a variety of …

Madelyn’s Salt Dough Cake and Fruit Basket

One of my favorite pastimes is making salt dough sculptures with my grandchildren. They delight in everything from mixing the dough to creating their masterpieces. This video takes you through the step-by-step process we used to make a salt dough basket filled with fruit and a tiny cake. https://youtu.be/R0JN5Cy8H7s Here's a video with just the …

Masquerade Mask Decorating for Kids

Painting and decorating masks is a fun and easy activity for kids of all ages. Even my 3-year-old granddaughter can express her creativity with this art activity. You can buy masquerade masks on Amazon or any arts and crafts store. Acrylic paints, glitter glue, glitter, and stickers are all the supplies you need. Use these …

How to Decorate a Mixed Media Masquerade Mask

Here's a delightful art project that is easy and fun to do. Supplies: Masquerade masks: you can buy them at any arts and crafts store. I got mine on Amazon.Acrylic paintRegular Gel Medium Matt or GlossSponge for applying gel and for applying paintCard for smoothingScissors and exacto knife for trimming paperGems or jewels for accessorizing …

Bluebird Song and Painting Published

Bluebird is finally published. Deborah Hanson's song is the perfect match for my painting. Her song starts soulful and ends joyful. Bluebird is on Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, and YouTube. https://youtu.be/k5fwejh4ie0 Bluebird envisions hope, faith, and perseverance amid hopelessness, despair, and depression.  Bluebirds are known for their joyful songs, tendency to fly long distances, …

Artistry Unleashed: Inspiration and Resources for Creatives

Artistry Unleashed is a mini magazine for creatives who want to develop talents and use those talents to make a difference in their world. https://youtube.com/shorts/t0InUQCFk4Y Artistic types in need of encouragement, inspiration, and helpful tips for making art easy, writing flow, or crafting creative. The mini-magazine is an interactive pdf with live links to resources. Preview …

La Petite Rose, Poem, Song, and Painting Collaboration

Something beautiful was born when the synergy of several creatives converged: La Petite Rose. This art song captures a young boy's delight in God's masterful creation of a perfect rose. This enchanting song began as a poem created by Mary A. Hannon. "My inspiration for La Petite Rose came from a walk in my garden.  As I passed …

Deborah Keily Hanson: Pianist, Composer, Teacher

Meet the multi-talented Deborah Keily Hanson: pianist, composer, teacher and so much more! I play her music while creating because her unique arrangements inspire my creative muse. I first met Deborah over 30 years ago when I returned from living in Europe. My children attended El Dorado where Deborah produced and directed over 20 musicals. I choreographed …

Promethean Series: Music Inspired by Art

I’m excited about this new series of music paired with art inspired by my mixed media, Promethean: Dare to Create. This first song, Promethean, created by Composer Deborah Keily Hanson,  features the creation of the universe, stars, and planets. The music honors the Creator of all with its fiery rendition in musical form.  https://youtu.be/xExg-bS0fKs The original Promethean …

Art Heals the Soul

Listen to the painting paired with the song that inspired her: https://youtube.com/shorts/hiGcKnbdlxw The story behind Deborah Keily Hanson and my collaborative project, Golden Butterfly of Chiang Mai, is so amazing that I wanted to share her account with you: “I was really inspired by your painting of the Rose. I have been dealing with long …

How Big is your Garden?

I’ve always wanted a bigger garden than I could possibly manage. I’d scroll through Pinterest and ooh and ahh over archways and gates that beckon entrance, white-picket fences, and trellises that cradle ripening fruit. Yet, the demands of life and suburban living whittled my gardens down to a few raised beds. Tending a garden isn’t …

Making Peace with Empty Spaces

“You’d think with two photographers, and one who is also an artist, we’d have something on our walls.” My husband grumbled. 3 years has passed since we bought our home and still no wall décor.  “We’ve both agreed on a wine country theme for the dining room,” I added apologetically, "since we live in wine …

How to Overcome the Creative Block of Fear

“In order to learn the important things in life, one must surmount a fear each day.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson Fear is a formidable creative block for many reasons and manifests in many forms. Here are a few I've encountered along my artistic journey. Fear of Failure Creativity requires you to venture into the unknown where possible …

Prioritizing People, Projects, and the Practical

Trying to balance these three essentials can cause consternation for the creative.  We want to be present for people, but not to the point where we don’t have time for our projects.  Projects are important—from home improvements to artistic endeavors. Yet, life can’t just be all about projects at the expense of people. And then …

Time Management for the Creative Change your Mindset

It’s as if the two sides of my brain collide; the artistic, unrestrained, go with the flow crashes against my responsible self.  Do whatever you want whenever you want wars with organize thyself.  Chase after every idea butterfly as opposed to schedule a time to clean your toilet.  Elya loves to paint butterflies! Paint away …

The Rose Blossoming in the Father’s Love

Artist and writer, Diane Bailey, posted a painting on Instagram of a woman with angel’s wings, holding a red rose. The descriptor read: “The Soul of a Woman - and when she believed she was loved, she began to bloom.” When I read this, I instantly remembered a promise the Lord had given me when …

Become the Artist and Writer you Want to Be!

Years ago, I bemoaned my lack of artistic talent. Impatience percolated until the pour oozed with bitterness. I wanted to be further along than I was. I longed to be a published author, an extinguished artist, a person of influence, but the road ahead was long and rocky, and I was impatient. Then from out …

Sometimes Life is Like a Game of Chess

Sometimes life is like a game of chess. Watch the animated video: https://youtube.com/shorts/10MYBAVNq6o You don’t know the next move.  Your mind strategizes any inkling of direction, but all you hear is silence. So, you pray for wisdom, insight into the unseen, and imagine all the possible outcomes. But direction is shrouded with confusion, lack of clarity, …

Fresh Starts Await!

There are times when your life’s canvas gets wiped clean.   You find yourself faced with a fresh start, a new beginning, a chance to do things differently. Maybe you’ve graduated from college, gotten married or divorced, lost your job, or changed jobs. Perhaps a loved one died, or an unexpected turn of events left you …

Overcoming the Obstacle of Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is an obstacle that plagues even the most successful creatives. Feelings of uncertainty about your abilities, purposes, and plans are quite common. So, if you’re called to be a creative, get ready to battle this enemy of artistic ambitions. Inspiration comes in waves with periods of calm when ideas recede. During these down times, self-doubt …

3 Questions to Move from Crisis to Creativity

If all else fails, distract thyself! Some of my worst times of crisis resulted in my most prolifically creative seasons. That’s right. When I couldn’t find any more therapy appointments that worked or Twelve-step principles to apply, I simply dove into what I loved and transformed my worry, grief, and angst into art.  I know …

The Holy Calling to be a Writer

I open waymaker and caress the pages.  I begin to read, and Ann’s words resonate through my soul: “When everything stills, you can see your reflection, see into the depths of your soul, see the contours of things.”Ann Voskamp Her words still my angst, calm the turmoil of doubt.  “This is why I want to publish more …

Cocoon yourself to Create

Sometimes life circumstances set us aside, and we find ourselves holed up at home: Caring for the sick Helping family Battling illness Managing home-improvement projects ________ (insert your reason here) Our normal running around turns into staying put. I’ve been thinking a lot about how what cocoons us also creates opportunities for art.  "Chrysalis" by …

The Great Affair Mixed Media by JoDee Luna

https://youtube.com/shorts/bFn623mXBGU The Great Affair is a mixed media portrait that encourages adventure and travel. I created the feature video above and was moved by a comment left on my Instagram post: So beautiful! It made me think about the way we, as artists, can travel far, all around the world even, through books and creating …

Decluttering for New Beginnings

Often the compulsion to clean out precedes new beginnings.  Do you find yourself annoyed with your clutter? Disappointed with your decorations? Bored with your art form? The compulsion to clean out is a sign of personal growth to come. We must make room for the new; whether in our homes, garages, creative spaces, minds, hearts, …

Are you a crossover creative?

Are you passionate about your art form; and yet, have another one calling to you? If so, you might be a crossover creative. Crossover   A point or place of crossing from one side to the other. The process of achieving success in a different field or style. Perhaps you’re a writer who longs to dabble …

Confessions of an Aspiring Artistic Entrepreneur

What is the deeper need? The pull that pushes past being an artist or writer or content creator or business owner. The longing to build something of lasting value, human benefit, eternal significance.  This desire to delve into developing never departs for the artistic entrepreneur. I don’t fully understand it. In fact, I’m far from …

Seasons of Silence

There are seasons of silence when the soul goes deep, crawling into a cocoon. We feel the urge to withdraw. We yearn to silence the noise, to figure out the important, to explore the possible. And while in our cocoon, new beginnings crack open and sprout roots—fledgling desires that burrow into the unknown. READ THE ENTIRE POST...

Promethean: Dare to Create

Promethean, a mixed media, envisions creativity’s fruitfulness masked in human form. Like the mixed media’s namesake, Prometheus, we receive fire or inspiration from heaven and make something beneficial for humanity when we dare to create. The name for the mask popped into my mind quite unexpectedly, and I couldn’t recall the meaning. When I looked …

Find the Music of Your Heart: A DIY Mixed Media Project

The music of my artistic heart is mixed media. Here’s a diy post to show you how to make a mixed media piece using plaster cloth, pressed flowers, and rice paper. Texture a canvas with gesso and let dry. Then paint with soft pink and yellow ochre acrylic paints. Cut hearts out of plaster cloth and …

Finding your Way to the Sea: Rediscovering your Life’s Purpose

My ideas outnumber the available minutes in the day. Artistic possibilities inundate my mind—floods of future fun I could follow. I wonder: How can I swim to the top of this madness? Which waves should I ride the crest of and which should I let pass on by?  Then amid my mental wrestling, contemplation creates a …

Garden Shift: Finding New Places to Blossom

My war with the squirrels took a recent turn. Here’s why. I planted; they nibbled until the new blooms disappeared. They munched on the Shasta Daisy leaves until only stubs remained. Oh and the botanist who insisted that marigolds repeal squirrels, not true. Those little devils uprooted the plants, nibbled on the roots, and then devoured …